A little sketch of little Luisa in her little room on her little bed! ^_^
#LuisaPiccarreta, #ServantOfGod, #Catholic, #Chrisitan, #DivineWill, #Sketch, #Cute, #4Bpencil, #Cartoon, #Little, #SpiritualChildhood
started out as a pintrest try, I think it looks nice overall . There have been many Nature Spawn in the realm of Wonder . Only ever one at a time. The Nature Spawn always protects the Faere Forests .
The Nature Spawn is documented to appear as an alf or tree creature when it takes a physical form. https://www.deviantart.com/untitledhero700/art/Nature-Spawn-Form-Long-Past-851487515
ya'know, i make more than a few of these, numbers aren't so important, this guy is just another living being who has lost their way. They're chosen to turn away from the gods and civilized society and toward hell, evil, anarchy, death, and other misdeeds. We all fall, but some of us don't get back up, we just linger in our darkness and drag others down to us. It is truly an ugly thing, with many remedies, however, some of them are far too fatal to speak of here ...
The Nornwan: World Of Wonder series has always had Adventure Time at its inspired heart. I just figured I'd finally make this and practice a little imitation of one of my favorite art styles, tell you the truth, I used to hate Adventure Time, I used to think it was too simple, and even dumb, but after a few years and a little convincing, I got into it. And I've had a happier life ever since. Thank you.