Jung here. Done 2020 with lead pencils on 11x17 bristol. This artwork was first drawing after I have not drawn for a year. I did this sort of pose and such drawing before ,but to see if i can draw better when I drew this back in 2020 and i kinda liked how it came out. This year 2022 i did some a bit of touch ups on the drawing to make it a bit better and here it is. Original art is up for sale $75 (shipping fee will apply) USD email me and open for private commissions as well jungmeister4@yahoo.com Also I have my 2023 Wall calendar up for sale $19.95 with my artworks through Artwanted.com art community website. Click or copy / paste the link below and would be appreciated if you can support me on the calendar https://www.artwanted.com/artist.cfm?ArtID=115637&Tab=Calendar
A couple of fun tentacles in conch shell designs after reading The Call of Cthulhu by H.P. Lovecraft. I can feel another few designs coming out!
T-shirts, stickers and other fun merch available at Tee-Public and Society 6 now! Give me a shout of you need a logo or mascot design in my cartoon style!
Jung here. Done 2022 with color pencils on 11x14 bristol. Original art is up for sale $60 (shipping fee will apply) USD email me and open for private commissions as well jungmeister4@yahoo.com Also I have my 2023 Wall calendar up for sale $19.95 with my artworks through Artwanted.com art community website. Click or copy / paste the link below and would be appreciated if you can support me on the calendar https://www.artwanted.com/artist.cfm?ArtID=115637&Tab=Calendar
Happy Halloween! A strange mix of beer, chocolate and doodling came up with this horror!
T-shirts, stickers and other fun merch available at Tee-Public and Society 6 now! Give me a shout of you need a logo or mascot design in my cartoon style!
Jung here. Done with 2013 color pencils on 9x12 bristol . In year 2022 i added the background and did little more shading on Galactus. Original art is up for sale $30 (shipping fee will apply) USD email me and open for private commissions as well jungmeister4@yahoo.com Also I have my 2023 Wall calendar up for sale $19.95 with my artworks through Artwanted.com art community website. Click or copy / paste the link below and would be appreciated if you can support me on the calendar https://www.artwanted.com/artist.cfm?ArtID=115637&Tab=Calendar
I know, not even Halloween and I'm drawing Christmas sweets! Well, these sweets are for any time of the year really! Stickers and other yums at Tee-Public https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/36123057-cute-candy-cane-christmas-sweets-and-chocolate-pen
Both Jingles and Shimp don't actually speak, Jingles makes literal jingles while Shimp,a shadow demon imp hybrid is mute.both are genderless,they both love fun and both of them love causing mischief.they mean no harm and just want to play especially Shimp since they are from Hell.
Done 2022 with color pencil on 11 x17 bristol paper. Of course he is one of classic D&D video game and also board game as well enemy. so her eis my try on it. If you are interested in purchasing this artwork for $160 and also I do private commissions. Leave a comment or contact me at jungmeister4@yahoo.com (Shipping fee to ship the original artwork will apply)
Also I have my 2023 Wall calendar up for sale $19.95 with my artworks through Artwanted.com art community website. Click or copy / paste the link below and would be appreciated if you can support me on the calendar https://www.artwanted.com/artist.cfm?ArtID=115637&Tab=Calendar
Jung here. Done 2010 with oils little less than 15x20 illustration board. I did this for Portfoilo piece to go for DC comics when they had DC talent search back in yr 2010 and 2010 was the last year i would do oils paints cuz of cost of brushes i constantly have to get cuz it wears down too quick . Original art is up for sale $ 70 (shipping fee will apply) USD email me jungmeister4@yahoo.com Also I have my 2023 Wall calendar up for sale $19.95 with my artworks through Artwanted.com art community website. Click or copy / paste the link below and would be appreciated if you can support me on the calendar Jung here. Done with lead pencils on 11x17 bristol . Original art is up for sale $ (shipping fee will apply) USD email me and open for private commissions as well jungmeister4@yahoo.com Also I have my 2023 Wall calendar up for sale $19.95 with my artworks through Artwanted.com art community website. Click or copy / paste the link below and would be appreciated if you can support me on the calendar https://www.artwanted.com/artist.cfm?ArtID=115637&Tab=Calendar
Jung here. Done 2022 with Color pencils on 81/2 x 11 comicbook board backing. This is my character that i have created and it is part 2 of the original gas face that i had created. One day I went to my comic book shop and I was looking around and i saw this comicbook board backings,which is a bit larger than regular backings cuz it is for magazine size backing boards when I asked the worker at the comic book shop he said they are not selling those backings so I asked him can I have some and he said yes, so I used one of the backings on the backside to draw this character of mine,but I noticed as i was working on the piece the backing surface of the paper start to peel off and it was not durable at all. As you can see you will see some tiny peeled off spots of the paper in the artwork. Original art is up for sale $20 (shipping fee will apply) USD email me jungmeister4@yahoo.com Also I have my 2023 Wall calendar up for sale $19.95 with my artworks through Artwanted.com art community website. Click or copy / paste the link below and would be appreciated if you can support me on the calendar https://www.artwanted.com/artist.cfm?ArtID=115637&Tab=Calendar
Another image using a photograph as background. I wanted to draw the character idly strolling in the setting. I didn't give much thought to it, other than to make the character's presence feel 'natural'. This image was also source from Pexels, but I cannot find the exact link at this time.
Done 2016 with color pencils on 9x12 bristol paper. I did this at my job about 80% and finished it at home. At the office job I was by myself and not much job to do at the company , so one day I decided to bring my art materials and start drawing and this came about after i looked at some creepy doll on internet , which urge to draw scary stuff. Original art is up for sale $50 USD (shipping fee will apply) email me jungmeister4@yahoo.com Also I have my 2023 Wall calendar up for sale $19.95 with my artworks through Artwanted.com art community website. Click or copy / paste the link below and would be appreciated if you can support me on the calaneder. https://www.artwanted.com/artist.cfm?ArtID=115637&Tab=Calendar
"She missed her stop". A drawing I did based on a character made on a certain internet forum. This is the first time I used a photograph as an environment for my doodles, and it charmed me enough to want to do more of them. The image was source from Pexel, by Wencheng Jiang ( https://www.pexels.com/@wenchengphoto/ ).
Day 13 Kind
For this day i decided to draw flapjack from “the misadventures of flapjack”an old cartoon i used to watch. I have been currently rewatching it for fun and i said to myself flapjack is kind he should be here.
Day 11 Eagle
I immediately thought of birdgirl from @adultswim when i heard this word i was really surprised when the show got a second season b/c adultswim tends to have one season or half season shows on its network.
Clemence's and Calamity's 130 year old grandma,candy people are known to age slower than other food people and often appear younger than they look.all three of them live with each other in harmony Grandma loves jokes but she is often forgetful but at the same time she can be silly and wise.Food people can live up to be 150 except for fruit and vegetable people since they age very quick while plant people live to 200 and object people live to be 100,Grandma has named her mobility chair Rodster since she tends to go very quickly on her chair especially when going out in public,Calamity painted a lightning bolt on Rodster on both sides.
More OC'S,this time,they're ghosts.specifically a ghost family.daughter,son,father and mother.Milada is very playful and optimistic,she is 110 years old,she loves pulling pranks on her parents and she also loves to paint.she hates being bored,she also hates mean ghosts and people who aren't fond of her pranks or games.