Living, breathing, and creating with nature
When you wake up to the gentle sights and sounds of the pond, trees, plants, birds, bees, and dragonflies, inspiration flows effortlessly. So, when the owner asked for a menu design for @SarayaGoa Art Café, I thought—why not let nature speak for itself?
Using pen and ink, I captured the beauty of my mornings here—each stroke reflecting the lush surroundings that make Saraya unique. Instead of focusing on just food items, I filled the cover and inside pages with illustrations of the vibrant life around us. Dining here means eating among the green, surrounded by the diverse plants of our permaculture gardens.
This study is a tribute to the beauty that shapes every meal at Saraya.
(Gel Fineliner on A5 Paper) "HumanAI" meaning taking the role of a basic AI and drawing a picture from a prompt, but not getting the result intended. From the image, you might be able to guess what was requested ;P
Love these birds #housesparrow (Passus domesticus) they're so cute but go unnoticed. The house sparrow is native to most of Europe. Drawn using Artstudio Pro on iPad Air 3.
#housesparrows #housesparrowdrawing #birdsketch #bird #birddraw #birddrawing #birddrawingclub #sketchoverchristmas #wednesday #christmaspost #sketchadaydecember #sketchadayclub #gaussianblur #bampi #bampidraws❤️
An amended version now framed - A Superb Male Fairy Wren (Malurus Cyaneus) with its full plumage and is available with transparent background to suit many merch products.
The Superb Fairy-wren was one of the first Australian birds to be described. Male Superb Fairy-wrens have been labelled as 'the least faithful birds in the world'. Females may be courted by up to 13 males in half an hour.
#blackcappedchickadee Facts
A bird almost universally considered “cute” thanks to its oversized round head, tiny body, and curiosity about everything, including humans. The chickadee’s black cap and bib; white cheeks; gray back, wings, and tail; and whitish underside with buffy sides are distinctive. Its habit of investigating people and everything else in its home territory, and quickness to discover bird feeders, make it one of the first birds most people learn. Want to know more check out this link
Snack Attack is what happens when you don't pay attention to attacks from above while riding hands free on your bike and eating your triple fried fries and ketchup. I actually saw this happen. From my series Bikes of Amsterdam.
Lucy Gray Baird of the Covey Baird! I finished this one a while ago, but I haven't uploaded in ages... This is maybe my fourth piece of digital artwork? Anyway, the shading was really fun, as was the pose.