The implementation of the project for the Akademos kindergarten in Poznań has ended. The idea behind the project was to create a jungle staircase in which children will be able to cover something new every day while walking down the corridor. Many animals, reptiles, and insects are hidden in the thicket of plants. So that the number of details and small elements does not overwhelm the space, we used a black and white combination with small colorful accents, which are also to stimulate the imagination of children. Realistically painted birds are an additional decorative element, which can be a background for photo sessions.
Fisher Friends, an oil painting of a Kingfisher, is inspired by cherished childhood memories spent by the River Tyne. This piece pays homage to the joy of growing up close to nature—the serene beauty of the river, the excitement of spotting wildlife, and the rare delight of seeing a Kingfisher.
The painting im working on is taking a lot more time than i expected, so here is one i painted last winther. I love Beatrix Potters paintings where the animals look realistic, but they wear miniature clothing and behave humanlike.
I love the song Blackbird by Paul McCartney. But, blackbirds are very territorial when they have young ones in the nest. There is a sunny tree-lined path I like to walk in the summer. I have seen a fox running out of those woods, a doe lying in the sun-drenched grass, and an irate couple of blackbirds diving at my head while I was peacefully walking by their nest of young ones. I had to start carrying a stick to ward them off. Blackbird Fly! Just stay away from me!
**ENDANGERED SPECIES** This small bird the Golden Cheeked Warbler #goldencheekedwarbler #endangeredspecies also known as the #GoldFinchofTexas lives and breeds in Central Texas particularly somewhere around the Edwards Plateau, Lampasas Cut Plain and Central Mineral Region. The main reason of the threat and decrease of this small bird’s population is mainly because of ranching, agriculture and land development. At present, there is no known record of the number of Golden Cheeked Warblers remaining.
The implementation of the project for the Akademos kindergarten in Poznań has ended. The idea behind the project was to create a jungle staircase in which children will be able to cover something new every day while walking down the corridor. Many animals, reptiles and insects are hidden in the thicket of plants. So that the number of details and small elements does not overwhelm the space, we used a black and white combination with small colorful accents, which are also to stimulate the imagination of children. Realistically painted birds are an additional decorative element, which can be a background for photo sessions.
Daily Draw Challenge Prompt #boom #mar2022 Boom! Look at the pretty colouration in this Lilac Breasted Roller, which can be found in Eastern and Southern Africa. #sketchadayapp ❤️
Drawing with my non-Dominant hand.
Cormorant sunning. The sight of these birds, regal and ridiculous at the same time , always lifts my spirit.
This was an attempt to add more motion to my drawing and play around with telling a story. This features one of my characters, a king of a northern nation that reveres birds, in a harrowing fight.
Sower and the Seed
This painting illustrates the parable “The Sower and the Seed,” a teaching of Jesus
recorded in the book of Matthew chapter 13. The four hearts in the sky represent four
different responses of those who hear the Gospel message.
The heart on the lower left represents those who have heard the gospel but reject it.
The devil then comes and takes it away from their hearts. This is illustrated by the
crows flying away with the seed that fell on the road side.
The second heart on the upper left side of the sky represents those who receive the
gospel message with joy, but it doesn’t take root in their faith, and their faith is temporal, falling away when trials or affliction come their way because of the gospel. This
is illustrated by a grape vine withering away in the heat of the day due to a lack of a
deep root system.
The heart in the upper right corner of the sky represents those who received the gospel
and believe, but the worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the
word, and it becomes unfruitful. This is illustrated by the grapevine being choked out
by a purple, flower-bearing, climbing, strangling vine called, morning glory.
These vines produce pretty flowers, but they are an organic farmer’s enemy because
they will choke out his crops. I learned this firsthand in organic farming when I was a
missionary for a couple of summers.
The heart in the lower right corner of the sky represents those who hear, believe, and
are committed to living for the gospel, so they produce much fruit. This is illustrated
by a healthy, strong, fruit-bearing grapevine. The tilled field represents the world that
God has prepared to receive the Gospel message. The sower represents all Christians
that are commanded to go into the world and proclaim the gospel message. The seed
being thrown by the sower represents the gospel message going out to the world.
The seed bag has written on it, “The Word Seed Co.”
(October 28, 2017)