Mixed media, colored pencils and Photoshop. Blue-gray Gnatcatchers (Polioptila caerulea) are a very small songbirds and are most frequently encountered in pinyon-juniper habitat but can be found in any low-elevation areas with an abundance of shrubs. It prey mainly on small insects. Main source: https://www.instagram.com/camilojulianc/
2020, 2021. Pencil on good drawing paper. About 17 x 23. Will be submitting this to a juried show--local and digital. Whether the pic is chosen or not, I had to follow my goal and "git er done."
A watercolor painting about Seashore. We sit and enjoy the Sweet sounds of sea waves and birds chirping. They are soo much relaxing. It is a Watercolor painting.
Mixed media artworks. Created in conjunction with each other, on a single piece of paper. As the colors of marker or watercolor bled through, so I worked with the motifs on both sides. It is no secret that i absolutely love birds and they feature so heavily in my drawing/illustrative work.
Kingfisher is a digital drawing completed on the iPhone 7+ (im looking at getting the ipad pro next month!) This is 1 of a current 6 pieces with the collective title 'Birds Of A Feather' leave any suggestions for birds
My latest sketch using Corel Painter 2021 on PC with digital pencil. The Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) is a small, grey-plumed songbird, easily recognized for the crest of grey feathers atop its head, its big black eyes, black forehead, and its rust-coloured flanks. They are quite common throughout the eastern part of North America, so if you're in that geographical region and want to catch a glimpse of a Tufted Titmouse, it may not be that difficult to find.