I took my Cultural Safari sketchbook class to the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art today. My sketch of The Virgin and Child, ca. 1350, France, Limestone Sculpture.
Wow! I was invited to spend the day in the recording studio drawing the creation of a jazz album. I will be going back to my studio to create the album cover art for the project. Included are few photos of my process drawings from the session. It was an amazing experience to spend time with these incredible musicians. I will share the final results at a later date.
Little watercolor horses, they were fun to draw and paint and each seems to have it's own personality. Some look a little too much like a donkey though. lol
Still working on updating my cat style. I liked how this guy's fur turned out. I find the sketching part the hardest, it seems so easy to mess up the cat at that part.
It's Weinerman Sam with his weiner schnitzel fam,
Putting sausages to bed like a good fam-i-ly man.
Doing ev'ry thing he can just to get them into bed,
For a restful night of sleep in a warm bun made of bread.
I didn't know numbats are a thing! Came across this amazing little endangered marsupial when I was trying to decide which N animal to paint. They eat only termites (hence the recipes ;)). Part of a series where I'm painting animals in different styles. Today's was inspired by the art of Beatrix Potter. Digital watercolor, pointed pen, and colored pencil.
Title: Never Forget. A quick piece I made today. I wanted to go abstract so the viewer can put their own meaning into the piece, but each paint stroke I made I had September 11th in mind. Digitally painted with watercolor in Rebelle 5 on a simple white canvas and sent over to PS.
In celebration of Year of the Tiger, I illustrated this Tiger with vector shapes and then shades the shapes with a variety of pixel brushes. Then I doodled some abstract brush strokes as the background with a red and gold color theme.