Kept myself occupied during a quiet day at work earlier by getting a head-start on things here, and my word it was quiet! Well...ish (towards the end that is).
I generally make marks on something every day, but I'm really TRYING to do it purposefully in one single journal at a time. I also have super ADHD, which means I pretty much never go up to my actual studio and usually only use what's out on my desk, because out-of-sight-out-of-mind.
I generally make marks on something every day, but I'm really TRYING to do it purposefully in one single journal at a time. I also have super ADHD, which means I pretty much never go up to my actual studio and usually only use what's out on my desk, because out-of-sight-out-of-mind.
I generally make marks on something every day, but I'm really TRYING to do it purposefully in one single journal at a time. I also have super ADHD, which means I pretty much never go up to my actual studio and usually only use what's out on my desk, because out-of-sight-out-of-mind.
I do generally put pen (or some kind of tool), to paper (or some kind of surface), every day, but I'm really TRYING to do it purposefully in one singular location (journal). Here is a successful attempt from that particular day. I'm also super lazy, which means I never go up to my actual studio and only use what's out on my computer desk. *including the whole spread, as sometimes I like the "waste" page most.
I’m coming out of another one of those periods where I’ve drew or doodled very little (all the other projects on the go until now!), but as always I got my mojo back in the nick of time, it seems. :)
Same old stuff here for now!
Some folks in this world tend to get a kick out of their more negative impulses and for all sorts of trivial reasons. Had to crank out something in response to my thoughts on the matter here! On a lighter note, any excuse to draw an irrawaddy dolphin is a good one...:)
Reflecting on the current pandemic, only to realise things this time last year gave plenty of us something to gripe about too...
How times seemed simpler then.
DoodleSchmoodlez 26th Nov. = NNo post 26th coz woz my day off... here's an oldie lying around
DoodleSchmoodlez 25th Nov. = creature doolding - which, as u've invented 'em no one can say u've fucked up :) !!