55 mins
“I Never Noticed The House Was On Fire” This is a painting for an upcoming group exhibition about memories. When I was a kid I grew up in a household where my parents were functioning alcoholics. They gave me toys, put me in front of the tv, and sent me outside to play to keep me distracted from what was going on. When I look back almost all of my childhood memories revolve around these things. I became obsessed with these imaginary worlds and I learned to draw by copying my favorite cartoons and characters from children’s books. It was not until I was much older, that the truth could no longer be hidden from me. The imaginary world of cartoons and books kept me shielded from the harsh realities of home. As I grew into an adult that form of coping grew with me as I created my own imaginary places inspired by the ones I loved as a child. A healthy place to escape.
When Rebelle 3 by Escape Motions came out I wanted to create something that really shows off its power. I normally draw in fountain pen first, but this was created entirely from scratch in Rebelle 3.
Digital art tends to be cold and impersonal, but Rebelle's watercolor simulation looks & feels like real paint... and you can undo! That's critical for illustration work, as clients often request changes... But even for personal work- it means an artist can achieve a watercolor look without being at the mercy of the medium. So the result is more true to his or her vision.
A special commission for a Christmas present, drawn on A3 medium cartridge using 0.03, 0.05 and 0.1 fine liners. This was a bit different for me but I loved it so much! Took about 28 hours in total.
I painted one of my cats, Banana, in a cat tunnel. The coloring in the photo was muted, so I worked on color and fabric texture. I am thrilled with her facial expression, and the overall composition feels good. This is not AI nor is any element made from AI.
To many I know a hibiscus flower might represent endless tropical summers. Up north where I live, hibiscus is the often the last flower to bloom while fall is setting in. While vibrant, I wanted it to feel lonely as seasonal changes are very introspective times in my life.
In July of 2022, Brianna Grier died falling out of a moving police car while having a mental health breakdown. Since Brianna passed, I have been heartbroken for her twins and family but also reflecting on my struggle with mental health. Mental health needs compassion and empathy, not police and punishment. The brunch strokes are purposeful, but I completed them with empathy in mind. I want to keep the composition simple but filled with meaning. The color theme represents vastness and loneliness, but also kinetic energy found in warm orange tones.
"I really don't like to gripe,
But there's a monster in pink stripes,
And he's lifting our house up to the sky.
It's like what Mama always said,
That we would all reach such great heights,
But I suspect that's not quite what she meant."
I don't just draw animal portraits! Although it seems tat way at the moment! I did one and it kind of snowballed!!! This one is part of a series of illustrations that tell the story of Hansel & Gretel.
No more expensive seminars or tedious books from feel good money hungry hucksters. No more scaling dangerous mountains to gain audience with bony little unshaven gurus. Now, a new level of advice is available with no more effort than a few totally free swipes of your hand. Go to The Jim. Truth for the people.
Happy Thanksgiving! This is "Sunday Wonderland," colored with Holbein watercolors on 6x8 paper. May your Thanksgiving be as bright & happy as pictured here! (And may you ride a horse-thing, too.)
So, I really wasn't going to participate in inktober this year because of time constraints. But I saw some simple line art stuff from others that looked fun. I'll see how far I can make it this year.