Featuring handmade art by Washington state artist, Tonya Doughty. If you would like this design on an item not listed in my shop, please don't hesitate to ask if it's possible! Just contact me.
Featuring handmade art by Washington state artist, Tonya Doughty. If you would like this design on an item not listed in my shop, please don't hesitate to ask if it's possible! Just contact me.
At the end of all this self-isolation, I have no doubt folks will be as hungry as that Dalmatian pupper I named this piece after. Hungry for some actual social interaction in our cases, that is...
April 7th is my birthday. The day has been usually a low-key affair, with exceptions here and there over the years. I spent it keeping busy and creative, as is custom most days whenever I'm not out working or socialising. Roll on 27!
Always a weirdly beautiful moment when you butcher your spelling momentarily, only to discover you’ve inadvertently found the very artwork title for you were looking for...hehehe.
Sunday afternoon sitting on the porch just doodling. I'd been drawing my neighborhood all day so I stopped and had a beer, and just started in on this.