Freehand sketching in ink from a photo reference I found online, to practice conveying that lots-of-stones look without drawing all the stones (photo credit: K. Mitch Hodge). Micron pens + alcohol markers.
Hand drawn abstract wall art in black ink on ultra white background. Inspired by the layering of strata across millennium while visiting the Grand Canyon.
Ten days back (April 7th) was my 30th birthday! Been up to my eyeballs in photography projects since then and only just got some breathing space to draw... always good to be back after a break, however big or small.
I am excited to announce my world of character is coming to the Sandbox games. I am working on a game called Imaginarium! with Tempest Studios and the game is officially backed and supported by the Sandbox as part of their creators fund. Set for release this Summer! Follow us on twitter and discord. You can find all links at Visit Mochi and Doodle dog soon in my RPG game!