Caged is a collection of healing through deep inner journey work. Note: this is part of the process included while writing the final draft of my upcoming novel.
I have been binging on the older X-Men shows and had the urge to draw up one of their most popular mutants. But what's better than Wolverine? TWO WOLVERINES!
Now, I wasn't really sure what I was trying to do with these two. At first, I tried to have them just do a handshake but then switched it over to them competing. Still not convinced on what these two are doing but it was fun to draw so all is good.
Question for all the X-Men fans out there. Which version of Wolverine is your favorite?
“When I draw something, the incredibly annoying thing is that it doesn’t come out like I pictured.” - Akira Toriyama (1955 - 2024).
Thankfully, this came out as intended. Full comments and reflections in the next slide!
I’ll be honest, 2024’s not been too bad mostly but the recent crap weather in Scotland has a lot to answer for. Cold and miserable? Sure, but it’s not exactly been winter as we know it. Roll on spring! In lighter news... happy Pokemon day :-D
“I definitely look at people differently. I like to deconstruct, to pull a character apart, to work out what makes them tick and my view will not be the same as everyone else.” - Anthony Hopkins.