"Billy gets there last, wiggles up a spot..." from the Graham's Up the Tree book. I grew to love these kids after drawing them so much. They sort of became real to me.
"Her cricket kids traipse in to wash their hands." Cricket is a popular bat-and-ball game in Australia where the winning team gets to eat crickets at the end of a match.
I did a couple tutorials for an art prompt (wildlife) from one of my other art groups. I’m also trying to learn to sketch but there’s no way I could draw animals at this point and be happy so with the help of digital art I was able to participate in the activity.
Lino cut print over pastel. The story goes: The bird fell in love with the whale the first time she saw him break through the ocean’s surface, sunlight dancing on his back. From high above, she sang to him, and deep below, he answered with a song as old as the tides.
She longed to dive, to join him in the rolling blue. He wished to rise, to fly beside her in the endless sky. But air and water would not trade places.
So each day, at dawn and dusk, they met at the edge of their worlds—she on the wind, he in the waves—singing a love song carried by the breeze and the tide, never together but never apart.
I'm compiling simple slapdash 5 min. drawings of people + sharing their story.
Book 1 = story behind your name
If u wanna be drawn plz get in touch
10€ a drawing
Dave +351 969 534 520
This is a submission for my digital art group…completed in procreate. The challenge this week is “linear and outline art”
My understanding is that outline art/contour line drawing uses only lines to define outer edges of shapes/objects. The process of outlining provides the structure for the composition.
I will print this outline drawing and then use my graphite and/or charcoal pencils (TBD) to complete the drawing...once I finish the project I'll post again.
You’ll see a “hint” of a person on the path…that’s me.
Thank you Elaine for your input and expertise. You are a rich source of wisdom and possibilities in connecting art to wellness. I will let you know how this develops. -Dean Graf
As I reflect on my past experiences, I am accutely aware of how often I have spoken from opinion rather than from experience. I have made mistakes. This makes me think of the Mark Twain quote -"Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." Let's go out and get some experience, shall we?
Another one of these tiny canvas doodles. I stenciled out the eyes and teeth and used acrylic makers to color. Then finished up with a brush pen. These are a fun challenge
My Sketch Book drawings = 15€ :) 36 x 27.5cm - shape seems to change coz photos have been cropped https://facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1222732179673725&type=3 https://artdavidmeehan.blogspot.com/p/c.html +351 969 534 520 artdavidmeehan@gmail.com