Drawings I made for a commission of the five stages of the Walking Wall installation by Andy Goldsworthy at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City. What an inspiring journey to walk and watch it move.
I have been lucky enough to have the opportunity to paint a design on a rather large gorilla! I am so excited to do this. It's taking an age but getting there slowly. When he's all done he will be going on show at Paignton Zoo.
The second set of pages from my trip to China last summer. Spent time in Beijing and Hong Kong and hiking/camping out on a portion the Great Wall. Truly amazing.
I love creating work that starts from a point in nature and develops into something more abstract, something that can be interpreted in many different ways. It’s interesting to hear what people see, what connection to their own life they bring when viewing a work.
Ive been working on the alien ship scene for a while and was really excited when this week's prompt dropped. It was not my style, but I loved making it and it's just been sitting in my drive. I decided to work on photo bashing/double exposure. I painted the body, isolated & deleted black to make an overlay layer (vivid light), and then placed the alien ship painting in between. I think it gave the impression of this being a tattoo. I wanted it to look real
The rhododendron in my yard is blooming and my daughter and I love to stare out the window to watch our cats, Squanchy and Beemo, hunt and play in the yard.