(2B pencil on a 176mm x 102mm book title page) Book burning can be one of the ultimate acts of blasphemy. I chose this book because it tells the story of two people bouncing around the galaxy, relying on a guide book that's completely useless to them.
Colorful Goldfish - Another watercolor sketch from my newest sketchbook. I'm using Strathmore Mixed Media 300 Series (5.5 in x 8.5 in). It has 40 sheets of 90 lb. vellum surface paper. They cost under $10 and can be used for most anything including wet media (light washes) without the paper falling apart or warping badly. One of the best all purpose sketchbooks I've found and the size makes it easy to toss in a backpack and carry daily. Anyway, just wanted to share my good experience with the group. What's your favorite sketchbook brand/format?
(2B pencil on a 87mm x 139mm postcard) The old comic book adverts used to promise amazing things for cheap prices. Here, I've spoofed that with an advert for a mind probe.
(HB pencil on 85mm x 50mm card) For his crimes against her, Itchigon was condemned by the goddess Fortuna to remain forever as part of this amulet, bringing nothing but good luck to those that own it.