(2B pencil on A6 card) A parody of the type of advert you'd see in the old comic books. What nasty little child wouldn't want something as wonderful as this?
Day 6 #inktober2017 - Sword. Yikes! Someone is feeling some aggression after what him through on day 2. You can follow me on http://instagram.com/jimbradshaw to see the all of my inktober posts and more.
Meet Miss November Weather Girl. In Finland each month has its own character and weather type. Four main seasons, but even each month has something of their own. Part 11 of the weather girl series.
(2B pencil on a 87mm x 139mm postcard) The idea of owning an exotic pet was always used in comic book adverts. The most well known one being the sea monkeys. People thought they were getting something really special, until it was pointed out to them that they were just brine shrimp. But imagine if something like a pet demon was available!
Animals on the move - this is a doodle painted in acrylics. I start by throwing colours down, then look for something to make into an element. It all takes about as long as a drawn doodle does and there is no prior plan and I do not do any drawing at all!