(2B pencil on a 141mm x 103mm postcard) An image I used on Christmas cards that I sent out to people in 2015 that also included a short story to go along with it about the ruthless nature of bargain shopping.
(HB pencil on A6 card) An image I printed on cards that I sent out in 2014 that came with a story about how you should never make promises in letters to Santa!
(2B pencil on a 87mm x 139mm postcard) Sometimes, how-to books were sold in old comic book adverts. These ranged from ventriloquism to hypnosis and promised amazing things when, in reality, they were just little booklets. With this artwork, I chose to depict one that would show you how to build something truly wonderful.
It was really interesting to work with depth and hair in this one! This art was made on Xp-Pen Deco Pro tablet. Can't recommend it enough, really solid product!
(Red biro on a 89mm x 139mm postcard) When technology becomes so intrusive on our daily lives that we feel we simply can't live without it, then perhaps the one-eyed man is truly king.
(black biro on 74mm x 105mm card) When there were more pubs, you'd see many a wandering drunk around the streets at chucking out time. Zombie-like beings with only a strange homing-pigeon instinct left as intelligence.
(black biro on 74mm x 97mm memo paper) If that was being advertised in London, it would probably go for half a million and be split up into flats (apartments).
One of the students from my lifedrawing class, I have a tendency to draw the other artists in the room and not the model. #drawing #lifedrawing #sketching #tonedpaper #lifemodels #prismacolor #prismacolorpencil #saddbackcollege #saddlebackarts #drawingfro
"Floaty Boat Waves In" -- Another WIP detail shot. You can see the magic of Rebelle in these close up shots... bringing the fountain penned ink to life with color.
I'm happy to have finished this illustration. It took me a lot longer than I expected. I couldn’t help but add more and more details to the point that sometimes I lost my motivation to finish it, but i did it. :D