Abstract Ink doodle and background on Yupo paper, using pinks, purples and blues. Apparently this year's colour is Ultraviolet! Design available as stickers, clothing, prints and decor.
Ice Dream. There’s some strange references going on in this one. If I don’t explain it won’t come together. Back in my day the Europe 72 3 record Dead live album had a crazy kid on the back cover smashing a cone on his head. Later an ice cream truck company called Weaser ripped off that art and would visit my mid Jersey neighborhood daily. Google it if you care. Flash forward to 2019. The ice cream truck that hits my neighborhood EVERY DAYS has a loud obnoxious song and no Greatful Dead connections. It drives me out of my mind so here is the result. I always try to turn my pain into gain. What a long strange explanation it’s been.
Pencil first. Outlined with ultrafine marker. Started in the middle then grew from there. At first look, I did not like it, but it has grown on me after outlining with markers. Still debating colors.
New Year Shopping (办年货 bàn nián huò) the Chinese believe that buying new items in the new year symbolises welcoming new things and getting ready for a new start. The traditional shopping list includes meat, vegetables, fruits, candies and nuts are popular items which are later seen on the dinning or coffee table of every Chinese household during the Lunar New Year
About a year ago I became paralyzed after a fall and began my "wheelchair series" which became a cathartic release of my journey in this new body of mine. Also, crayons are seriously underrated.
Happy to sharing with us my final plate of Dwarf Jay (Cyanolyca nanus), there are a few illustration for this taxa that is endemic to Mexico. Dwarf jay show patterns of occupancy consistent with habitat specialists. Like raccons, Dwarf Jay have a black mask and is predominantly blue. Technic: hybrid media (graphite, colored pencils and SketchBook Pro).