Pen and ink in my moleskine. I posted the entire drawing a few weeks ago. I really enjoyed drawing this. I felt like I was drawing someone's lost thoughts.
It's 2019 and I am thankful for family, turkey dinner, and Rebelle 3! This Thanksgiving holiday I'm teaching my boys how to draw in Rebelle. They've watched me for years but they're finally old enough to draw on the Cintiq. They're going to love it. Artist friends, check out the Rebelle 3 demo if you haven't already! Happy Holidays!
This is part of a broader idea for a big busy city teeming with different characters. Some of those characters will travel deeper through this city and through different lands. Eventually they get back to where they started from.
Binturong, a fluffy animal with even fluffier ears. Really mysterious if you ask me. I made a small comic of this, you can see more on Instagram.
On a more serious note, binturongs are fascinating and also a vulnerable species, with a decreasing population (acording to the IUCN redlist).
You can learn more about them through @abconservation.
"The Explorers" 14ft tall by 48ft long mural painting in Vienna, Austria alongside my friend Dead Beat Hero this past weekend. His comic book style robot characters emerging from the river into my crazy cartoon world.
The Sunbeam and the Troll. Illustration of famous Finnish song. I draw three versions of it. Top of the drawings is last and then second and first one. I try to catch idea that Sunbeam fairy is more made of light than materia. Pretty tricky to me ;)
”When sun had ended its mission,
The last Sunbeam
Was left behind her sisters for a moment.
The dusk was settling on the grounds,
A Sunbeam with golden wings
Was just about to fly before it,
But she saw a small Troll come across:
It had just risen up from his cave.
See,a Troll before the twilight
May never live on earth.
They were looking at each other
The Troll in his chest
Felt an odd flame.
He said:"You are burning my eyes,
But never in my life
have I seen something so wonderful!" It doesn't matter that your brightness will make me blind
It's easy to wander in dark.”
Moving away from your hometown inspires a multitude of emotions. By taking inspiration from the atmosphere that the game Life is Strange and Steven Universe creates, I hope to convey a sense of longing and nostalgia that makes us all a little more united in our loneliness.