It's Weinerman Sam with his weiner schnitzel fam,
Putting sausages to bed like a good fam-i-ly man.
Doing ev'ry thing he can just to get them into bed,
For a restful night of sleep in a warm bun made of bread.
So, I really wasn't going to participate in inktober this year because of time constraints. But I saw some simple line art stuff from others that looked fun. I'll see how far I can make it this year.
Hello, beautiful people around the world~! I'm a new member here, and I'd love to know your feedbacks on my art, criticism and suggestion. I'll appreciate it so much!
"Say hello to these rabbits & they'll say hello right back,
Just don't offer them carrot flavored jello as a snack.
'Cause it's more than they can stand, and they're likely to attack,
And when a rabbit bites your hand then you'll have to bite it back!"