I like to take my iPad out and experiment with no clear aim sometimes. Tonight's doodles led me to this glowing alien catlike creature. Used jingsketch's round render for most of it. If you think this is weird you should have seen the hippo. Enjoy!
Inktober2018day14. Clock. I love time. I hate time. It goes too fast and there’s never enough of it. If I had more of it, I would be able to post every day for inktober. I wasn't going to participate this year, but after 4 or 5 days in, I figured if I did a very simple line drawing, like I started doing with the little box chicken character I could make every remaining day, but I just couldn't stop myself from going all out on some pieces. It's like I always want to add more. So maybe it’s going to be quality not quantity for me this year. Please enjoy.
Bee friendly plants you can cultivate, protect or care if you see them anywhere. There are many native flowers, herbs, vegetables and fruit trees that help pollination, the ideal is to grow species free of agrochemicals and pesticides.