The god of Hindus lordshiva with halfface and half Trishula mandala design. Lord shiva also known as bolenath, eshawara, Parvathi pathi and other names.
(fineliner pen on a 125mm x 75mm notecard) There was a time when manga and animé were cool, but now it's everywhere and a shadow of its former self, with the stigma of hentai attached to it.
Ink and Watercolor sketch of octopus. Normally I start with a pencil outline, then go over it with micron pens. But I'm learning to skip the pencil step and just sketch with ink. I helps you not to overthink things. Once you lay the ink line down on the paper it's there to stay. You can't erase and there isn't an undo like you have when working digitally. You just have to work around any "mistakes" you make. I'm also working on sketching faster because I just don't have that much free time these days. Trying to produce a new sketch every day is a real challenge.
My Illustrated Alphabet letters were born out of a project in 2016. Each was drawn with pen & ink and each letter is illustrated with either an object, flora, fauna or wildlife that begins with that letter.
'Oh how wonderful life would be, if I had my own little house in a tree!' This one was created for the Urban Explorer Challenge and I loved every minute of it! As a lover of the natural environment I had to draw on where my heart lies so a treehouse seemed a fitting response!
I've started a new mixed media sketchbook. Which is often times unexplainably daunting. To get over it I just dive in with lots of color. Then the fun begins.
Working on a tattoo for myself that's based on the Disney Magic Kingdom's Haunted Mansion. The Tightrope Girl is part of the expanding elevator in the beginning of the ride. I changed the shape of the original painting to a coffin; simplified everything down; and added some flourishing. I'm not great at flourishing yet.
I've started a new sketch book (one of many, lol), which I am dedicating to ink drawings only. No pencils, no watercolours, just pen and ink :) I drew this doodle today with a Uniball pen and a light ink wash for the space sky. No reference, totally made up. Mistakes and all! Available as stickers and other goodies on Red Bubble.
Sketchbook is Stillman and Birn Alpha - I love, love, love the whiteness of its pages!
I always tell students to start a project with quick sketches to develop a shape language. Plus research, then you can start to generate ideas. This is one of who knows how many small sketches I'll do to start this project. #ideation #designsketches #pilo