It shines! Doodle inspired from Pinterest, from The Calm Creator. Drawing done in Sakura Pen-Touch Black and Silver C paint marker + Uni Pin Fineliner 0.2 black pen. I'll continue looking for inspiration!
A little while back I started doing little triptych cartoons, something I could have fun with and zip off pretty quickly. Then I expanded them to four panels when it felt necessary. Some people think too deeply about my little toons and are confused about what's happening. I just tell them to look at it more simply, and not to overthink it. Like this one.
I forgot to post it here. I got better at drawing her. I tried a more '80s anime style recently but will keep at this style since that's how I draw. I love her even though she's not intended to be a main character
Library was always a favorite hang out for me. Not so much anymore just cause I'm using my ipad and kindle more BUT still love a good library and support local facilities. I saw this on instagram ( and tried to recreate it. I sketched the placement of the body then added the lines for books (using a ruler to try to keep bottom line as straight as possible.
One of dozens of cartoons I created the last couple of years. A little voice is telling me to get these published in a book. If the voice gets louder, it will happen. In the meantime, I'm brainstorming and filling my sketchbook.
Drawing FACES 15€
I'm compiling simple slapdash 5 min. drawings of people + sharing their story.
Book 1 = story behind your name
If u wanna be drawn plz get in touch
10€ a drawing
Dave +351 969 534 520
Snowdrop Flowers and Bucket were Feb 1 and 2 prompts for my other sketching group so I thought I would combine the two. Because I'm new to being an "artist" I'm experimenting with styles and tools. I do like graphite and charcoal for sure. I'm thinking on "theme" I might try to develop is using graphite and charcoal and adding a splash of color in each.