the wounded soldier is no longer just a man begging for mercy - he is infected with something dangerous, which makes him aggressive and possibly uncontrollable. His outstretched hand may now mean not a plea, but an attempt to grab the protagonist, which increases the sense of threat.
The soldier's eyes, wide open and seemingly filled with fear or madness, now look like a sign of loss of humanity. The blood stains on his clothes are no longer just traces of battle, but perhaps the result of his own aggression.
The chains in the background can be interpreted as a symbol of restriction or control over the infected - perhaps he was captured or locked up, but was able to break free.
William Styron (1925–2006)
“Let’s face it, writing is hell,” Styron told The Paris Review in 1954.
- From Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey
“We’re all in this game together.”
― William Styron
#dailyrituals #inktober #WilliamStyron @masoncurrey
Cover for my fanfic i writing for "Batman: Zero Year" comic.
After Zero:
"I bloom, a flower fair and bright, A needed thing, for two, a light. In hearts' soft garden, breezes play, I grow in strength with each new day."
The Riddler nodded patiently, his eyes half-lidded in boredom. Amber devoted almost all her energy to keep reciting this stupid rhyme that she had composed and practiced until she turned pale from exhaustion. The remaining part of her energy was spent on NOT clutching her jacket.
"But then, a worm, with wicked bite. Gnawed at my grain and dimmed my light. A spreading blight, a change so foul. Cursed my existence, took its toll. My two companions, caught in strife. Began to gnaw and hurt their life. Absorbing poison, bit by bit. They both grew sick, they couldn't quit."
“Who am I?"
The Riddler lazily raised his eyes to the sky and just as slowly raised his hands.
His voice was full of theatrical reverence. He didn’t even pretended that the riddle made him ponder over it.
"To be more precise — twisted love. Am I right?"
Louise Bourgeois (1911–2010)
“My life has been regulated by insomnia,” Bourgeois told an interviewer in 1993. “It’s something that I have never been able to understand, but I accept it.” Bourgeois learned to use these sleepless hours productively, propped up in bed with her “drawing diary,” listening to music or the hum of traffic on the streets.
“Each day is new, so each drawing—with words written on the back—lets me know how I’m doing,” she said. “I now have 110 drawing-diary pages, but I’ll probably destroy some.
- From Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey
“I am not what I am, I am what I do with my hands...”
― Louise Bourgeois
“Every day you have to abandon your past or accept it, and then, if you cannot accept it, you become a sculptor.”
― Louise Bourgeois
#dailyrituals #inktober #LouiseBourgeois @masoncurrey
Got some dark patches (interesting I didn't notice til I took the photos)...I was going to try to fix it but didn't want to mess it up. HA. I also have a new idea to use grid paper so the grid isn't on my art. I'm going to put reference image and plain paper on my light board with grid paper underneath...I can see the grid for practice and when finished no grid on my art.
Artist and writer. While undergoing treatment for Patulous Eustachian Tube, a refractory ear disease, they developed an interest in Digitalnature and Computer, leading to their pursuit of media art creation.
In March 2023, they exhibited “Bonsai Woven by Nature and Technology” at a multi-purpose exchange hub, later completing a masterpiece in electronic art. In April 2023, the work was showcased at the NFT digital art online gallery Media Art Gallery.
In September 2023, inspired by memories of reforestation efforts, they exhibited a photography piece at a garden show in Kansai, expressing a strong desire to engage with reforestation through art.
In 2024, their media art was exhibited at an NFT exhibition at Kyoto Miyakomesse, continuing their exploration of the fusion of digital technology and nature in artistic expression.