So this is Quinn, he is another vampire I have created for my new world that is slowly being created. He is another antagonist for Sebastian, although there will be another vampire along side that will give Sebastian hell. Quinn is vampire born within the clan.
Jean-Paul Sartre (1905–1980)
By the 1950s, too much work on too little sleep—with too much wine and cigarettes—had left Sartre exhausted and on the verge of collapse. Rather than slow down, however, he turned to Corydrane, a mix of amphetamine and aspirin then fashionable among Parisian students, intellectuals, and artists (and legal in France until 1971, when it was declared toxic and taken off the market). The prescribed dose was one or two tablets in the morning and at noon. Sartre took twenty a day, beginning with his morning coffee and slowly chewing one pill after another as he worked. For each tablet, he could produce a page or two of his second major philosophical work, The Critique of Dialectical Reason.
The biographer Annie Cohen-Solal reports, “His diet over a period of twenty-four hours included two packs of cigarettes and several pipes stuffed with black tobacco, more than a quart of alcohol—wine, beer, vodka, whisky, and so on—two hundred milligrams of amphetamines, fifteen grams of aspirin, several grams of barbiturates, plus coffee, tea, rich meals.”
- From Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey
#dailyrituals #inktober #jeanPaulSartre @masoncurrey
Anyone is welcome to post their own version of this expressing their unique identity, in fact i highly encourage it
I saw a lot of people posting this on other platforms and wanted to post my own version
This "trend" I guess you could call it, came from the movie "I saw the TV glow". Which is a movie that's a metaphor for trans identities and other queer identities.
Dmitry Shostakovich (1906–1975)
Shostakovich’s contemporaries do not recall seeing him working, at least not in the traditional sense. The Russian composer was able to conceptualize a new work entirely in his head, and then write it down with extreme rapidity—if uninterrupted, he could average twenty or thirty pages of score a day, making virtually no corrections as he went.
But this feat was apparently preceded by hours or days of mental composition—during which he “appeared to be a man of great inner tensions,” the musicologist Alexei Ikonnikov observed, “with his continually moving, ‘speaking’ hands, which were never at rest.”
Shostakovich himself was afraid that perhaps he worked too fast. “I worry about the lightning speed with which I compose,” he confessed in a letter to a friend. Undoubtedly this is bad. One shouldn’t compose as quickly as I do. Composition is a serious process, and in the words of a ballerina friend of mine, “You can’t keep going at a gallop.” I compose with diabolical speed and can’t stop myself.… It is exhausting, rather unpleasant, and at the end of the day you lack any confidence in the result. But I can’t rid myself of the bad habit.
- From Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey
#dailyrituals #inktober #shostakovich @masoncurrey
Among other things, getting more drawing done and being prolific as fook? Here’s hoping that’s the case this year, today at least has been good for that!
“By all means grow old, but don’t mature. Remain childlike, retain wonder, the ability to be flabbergasted by something.” - Billy Connolly.
Happy new year Doodle addicts!
para el día 31 de Fruitecember hoy le toca a jugo de uva
para este día decidí dibujar a Noko con una copa de jugo de uva Durante los fuegos artificiales recibiendo el año nuevo aparte lo elegí porque 2025 será el año de la serpiente
les deseo a todos mis amigos que tengan un feliz año nuevo
This one started off bad and ended good. It was quick sketch that I wasn't really happy with. I decided to keep going and experiment. I was able to let go and draw without thinking and caring as much. I usually struggle with overthinking and perfectionism, so this one felt like a win for me.