Woody Allen (b. 1935)
I’ve found over the years that any momentary change stimulates a fresh burst of mental energy. So if I’m in this room and then I go into the other room, it helps me. If I go outside to the street, it’s a huge help. If I go up and take a shower it’s a big help. So I sometimes take extra showers.
“I think in the cracks all the time,” he has said. “I never stop.”
- From Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey
“Some guy hit my fender the other day, and I said unto him, 'Be fruitful, and multiply'. But not in those words.”
― Woody Allen
#dailyrituals #inktober #Woody Allen @masoncurrey
Model with Headphones Drawing Sketch Study by Oz Galeano
Umberto Eco (b. 1932)
Eco says that he is able to be productive during the brief “interstices” in the day. He told The Paris Review’s interviewer: “This morning you rang, but then you had to wait for the elevator, and several seconds elapsed before you showed up at the door. During those seconds, waiting for you, I was thinking of this new piece I’m writing. I can work in the water closet, in the train. While swimming I produce a lot of things, especially in the sea. Less so in the bathtub, but there too.”
- From Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey
“When men stop believing in God, it isn’t that they then believe in nothing: they believe in everything.” ― Umberto Eco
#dailyrituals #inktober #UmbertoEco @masoncurrey
This was a Tatyworks tutorial…completed for a “challenge” in another group I follow.
Always room for improvement (guess that’s part of the process)…HA.
Anyway, pretty happy with this from a novice perspective.
I was kinda bored when I drew this, so it came out in the art work. Incidentally, this guy looks a bit like a character in the nameless city series of graphic novels, which I finished reading recently. The first book is rather heavy handed, but the last two are much better by comparison.
I don't know, this one came from the depths of attic. I wasn't sure where I was going with it. I guess I'm just trying to give my toons some expressions.
As I reflect on my past experiences, I am accutely aware of how often I have spoken from opinion rather than from experience. I have made mistakes. This makes me think of the Mark Twain quote -"Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." Let's go out and get some experience, shall we?
Posted the sketch of this earlier, but I thought the ink looked nicer, so here you are! I love dragonflies. Deadly hunters, slaughtering their prey without mercy, yet beguiling enough to somehow convince humans they are harmless as butterflies. They have their own sort of deadly, sleek beauty.