Whitetail is a terrific sidekick. He is a good fighter. He can run on walls. He is really strong. He can change different colors to camouflage to be safe when hiding. Kaitlen, Age 7
This is part of my daily Sketchgrind day 20. Study of chickens in the early morning.Spring is slowly arriving, I am thinking of the time we had mini chicks. So small and so fluffy.. I am missing my chickens!! Its like having a fish tank in your garden - so calming and funny to watch.
"I am about to drop a nugget." ~ A blackout poem from a recycled page of Burnout, a young adult story about love, motorcycles, and a road trip from hell.
This was a gift for a friend of mine. I only knew her a few months, but I really enjoyed her company and she loved penguins. This started as a joke, but it eventually became my goodbye gift to her. Hope you are happy whereever you are :) Please enjoy - Crypto
In a trip to Colombia a saw the most adorable and cool Llama ever!!! So I decided to draw it.... I hope you like it and I look Forward to your comments! :D