The solar eclipse was incredible for me on many levels ~ In deep mediation the movement of the solar eclipse inspired me, grounded me and offered an intense level of focus and internal balance of the feminine and masculine within us all ~ Parts of this ongoing collage has been done with the left hand. Grounding and clearing tools I like to use: Florida water, Sage ash, Palo ash (all ethically sourced and pure)
I generally make marks on something every day, but I'm really TRYING to do it purposefully in one single journal at a time. I also have super ADHD, which means I pretty much never go up to my actual studio and usually only use what's out on my desk, because out-of-sight-out-of-mind.
I generally make marks on something every day, but I'm really TRYING to do it purposefully in one single journal at a time. I also have super ADHD, which means I pretty much never go up to my actual studio and usually only use what's out on my desk, because out-of-sight-out-of-mind.
I generally make marks on something every day, but I'm really TRYING to do it purposefully in one single journal at a time. Here is a successful attempt from that particular day. I also have super ADHD, which means I pretty much never go up to my actual studio and only use what's out on my desk, because out-of-sight-out-of-mind.
I do generally put pen (or some kind of tool), to paper (or some kind of surface), every day, but I'm really TRYING to do it purposefully in one singular location (journal). Here is a successful attempt from that particular day. I'm also super lazy, which means I never go up to my actual studio and only use what's out on my computer desk. (Including the "waste" page because I often like it as much/more.)
I do generally put pen (or some kind of tool), to paper (or some kind of surface), every day, but I'm really TRYING to do it purposefully in one singular location (journal). Here is a successful attempt from that particular day.
I'm also super lazy, which means I never go up to my actual studio and only use what's out on my computer desk.
Featuring handmade art by Washington state artist, Tonya Doughty. If you would like this design on an item not listed in my shop, please don't hesitate to ask if it's possible! Just contact me.
I do like a good mondegreen, that much is true. See the radio edit of Royksopp’s ‘Remind Me’ for more details (I might not be mishearing the lyrics, but it’s still quite the earworm):