The mass absorbs the humans and creatures forming into a screaming husk. Hoping for death, the only live to feed the mass, with every thought fading slowly from consciousness. This drawing can also be found on my instagram with additional social found here: The youtube playlist for the drawing and inking process can be found here: I used pigma micron on multimedia paper. Thanks for looking!
Another pouring piece. As always, started out going about it one way, and sure enough, it turned into a whole other thing. I like to think its meant to be. What do you think?
We all see the world through a different lens.
What I see, and express is different then what you will see.
Your background is different. Your experiences are different.
I know what I see. What about you?
Ta-da! Finally done! This was inspired by my annual back to school shopping trip in August with my mom, my siblings, and my grandma. The sign is a bit of a clue to that, the heart is similar for he logo of one of my favorite stores (until they closed last month), and the tan thing in the corner reminds me of the dusty playground we stop at between stores. The hair clip, butterflies, and purple corner (it's really a hair extension) are all from my favorite accessory store. The railing is for the walkway between stores and I don't really have to explain the shirt, skirt, pants, and shopping bag. No trip is complete without a bucket of pretzels to eat on the way home! Anyway, I hope you like my art!
Sometimes, on the pathway to success, we will meet obstacles. Before we can reach our destination, we often have an ocean of things to overcome. We'd have walls to break down, oceans we have to swim over. This illustration is to remind everyone that no matter what obstacles we will meet, never lose heart and faith in the things you love.