Subi felt a little bit lonely today. Masmeka noticed that, sang a song for Subi and they just relaxed at their favourite spot. Wish you a wonderful day!:)
Let Us Consider from Rooster's Wife by Russell Edson
Let us consider the man who fried roses for his dinner, whose kitchen smelled like a burning rose garden; or the man who disguised himself as a moth and ate his overcoat, and for dessert served himself a chilled fedora...
#dailydrawing #watercolor #ink #illustration #poetry #russellEdson #dinners #moth #heartWantsWhatItWants
Jung here. Done with lead pencils on 11x17 bristol paper. One day I was flipping through Frrank frazetta art book I had and one of his painting inspired me, so I close the book and started to draw and this image came about. Original art is up for sale $90 (shipping fee will apply) USD email me
Also I have my 2023 Wall calendar up for sale $19.95 with my artworks through art community website. Click or copy / paste the link below and would be appreciated if you can support me on the calendar
Another image using a photograph as background. I wanted to draw the character idly strolling in the setting. I didn't give much thought to it, other than to make the character's presence feel 'natural'. This image was also source from Pexels, but I cannot find the exact link at this time.