My drawings creating with a fine liner, pencil or color pencils and brush pen.
Sometimes they are also different collages.
They are a figment of my imagination size 14/9cm
I have thought of a design already,a wisecracking,fun loving marionette imp who loves dancing and singing and playing tricks.he helps Aldo become a better gymnast and also helps him with his self esteem issues. I was going to give him horns then I thought not all imps have them I might remove his tail too.inspiration for his face Costume inspiration
Introducing Princess Sweetnette,an OC I created a while ago last year, heavily inspired by Lady Lovely Locks and Strawberry Shortcake.She's a cotton candy princess who goes to adventures along with her sidekick Prince Cotton Fluffe,her mother is Queen Yelinda ,a green cotton candy queen.her arch nemesis is Princess Sourglum,she is evil and spiteful wanting to take over her kingdom and land alongside is his cunning,sneaky father who often aides her when she needs to.her kingdom is heavily inspired by Candy land as well.she has a talking magical wand named Harty who is always eager to help and always protects 15-Sweetnette from any evil.
I accidentally made a new oc,he's a red-headed very tall 10 year old gymnast with a star theme.his best friend is an tall pink male imp with a heart theme (I'll probably never draw him)