From Favorite Folktales from Around the World by Jane Yolen.
This stranger gives the child a loving look, and says to the mother, “We don’t act fairly by one another; I cuddle your child, but you beat my husband.”
Heavily inspired by the stay puft marshmallow man, marshmallow imps are very playful,loving and love hugs, Sourglum accidentally summoned them in her castle which ended up being infested by them,they get attached easily (they're very sticky) she gets angry and banishes them since they are not dangerous or violent to attack Sweetnette and her kingdom.they are slow but jump a lot they also giggle (Pillsbury Doughboy) they randomly teleport themselves from hell into Sourglum's castle.at the end she decides to keep them although as her loyal servants.
After a long (very long) stretch of artists block i think i’ve finally gotten past it enough to get this started. But who knows how long it will take me to finish it lol.
From Favorite Folktales from Around the World by Jane Yolen.
And this is what the poultry dealer related: “The priest pointed with one finger to my eyes, meaning to take out my eye. I pointed with two fingers to imply, I would take out both his eyes."
At the same time the priest’s friends questioned him: “What did you ask the Jew? What did he reply?” The priest related: “At first I pointed one finger, meaning that there is only one king. He pointed with two fingers, meaning that there are two kings, the King in Heaven and the king on earth."