**ENDANGERED SPECIES** This small bird the Golden Cheeked Warbler #goldencheekedwarbler #endangeredspecies also known as the #GoldFinchofTexas lives and breeds in Central Texas particularly somewhere around the Edwards Plateau, Lampasas Cut Plain and Central Mineral Region. The main reason of the threat and decrease of this small bird’s population is mainly because of ranching, agriculture and land development. At present, there is no known record of the number of Golden Cheeked Warblers remaining.
So, I got contacted by some suppossedly American guy for a commision on his son's dog. He sent a couple of pretty nice pics of it and I did this sketch. In the end it all turned out to be a very ellaborate scam, which I luckily realized before any harm was done. At any rate, I loved drawing this dog and I didn't even know I could create this because it's totally different from what I usually do. I value the experience I got out of this, overall, but be cautious out there. I've been victim to scam attempts four times in a month lately. Instagram is a wild place right now.
Model Portrait drawing by Oz Galeano
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One of my Swirly Designs, illustrated with different tools such as Graphite, Aquarelle, Ink Pens and Ai & Tablet. Sometimes sheer Vectorillustration/design.
Copyright by Carolina Matthes
I would most definitely be lost if I didn't have my sketchbook to help me process my feelings...this is the product of my most recent therapeutic endeavor. Done with Posca Pens.
Il s'agit d'une fresque faite avec des animaux que j'ai rencontré durant mes stages de soigneur animalier Gris du Gabon, Cerf Sika, Renard roux et Raton laveur. Cela m'a pris un mois, j'en suis si fière.
This is a fresco made with animals that I met during my training courses as animal caretaker Gabon Grey, Sika Deer, Red Fox and Raccoon. It take me a month, i'm so proud of it.