I was born in Oakland and live in San Francisco. I'm an amateur photographer. My main focus is broken glass abstract images. The more expensive the glass the better. I arrange the broken pieces in random form, shine light of varying intensity and color from multiple angles and shoot. The results amaze even me. Most of my work is cropped and very lightly enhanced in a photo editing app, I use Fotor mostly. Because it has certain effects I like to use, if I do decide to use them. Mostly I lean toward setting up the shot and leaving it untouched except fro cropping. I feel it is a better and more pure form of my work. Very recently I have been encouraged to try traditional sketch and oil and acrylic paint on canvas by some artist friends of mine. I'll show it here, but am still growing in the process of drawing by hand so be kind. That's me. Art is my life and I hope you enjoy my work. Take care, Rick
I specialize in photography, trying everything.