I feel like my drawings got a lot more dimensional and interesting once I was able to achieve variable line width. I love loading different colors into the pen and going HAM on paper that totally can't handle it. My sketchbooks crackle when I turn the pages. They buckle and heave and are exhausted from their tribulations.
I saw a man outside the library wearing a crown nestled into his cowboy hat. He was speaking swiftly, seemingly to himself, possibly freestyle rapping. Probably crazy. Then I drew some saints and stuff around him. I suspect he could use some assistance, perhaps spiritual.
I love how these nesting dolls came out. I'm also into the Dakota Fanning inspired piece on the left. Dakota's character in The Alienist is a lot of fun. I'm glad she seems to have come out of child acting fairly unscathed. We don't hear a lot of stories of her gallavanting around LA, thieving & putting substances up her schnoz. That's a pleasant change of pace for a celebrity.
My friend and I are trying to nail down a tattoo idea for her that involves witchcraft and weight lifting. (Note: the final picture was supposed to be two different ones, but appears to be repeating itself. This happens to me sometimes. Not sure how to fix it.)
I took my drawings out into the wild for some glamour shots. I got busted crawling through a flower garden doing so, but the woman was fine with it. I gave her this bunny.
Today we at Schmancy Mansion allowed our servants outside to romp. Our butler smelled the flowers and befriended a fox. Our nanny calmed her nerves in the garden. It was fine for them, we suppose, but now they have to get back to work.
The Molting Man first appeared on my Red Spread (see second image); I refined him for the green spread (first). This bizarre Icarus deserves some kind of short story about him. I'm not sure what the plot would be. It's probably tragic.
Like a moldy bridge, the Internet has trolls lurking underneath. Reddit: Unpopular Opinions is a particularly fetid spot for these mouth-breathers. It’s simmering with people ready to spew their most bigoted thoughts in the name of edginess/independence from the norm. ((follow-up note: for some reason, one of the images doubled. for all 5, visit: http://leahlucci.com/starling/2018/06/14/5-unpopular-opinions-illustrated/ ))