>^..^< I am a self taught art attacker.
Drawing pen on watercolor paper
They need love.
black and white on paper
When you got nothing to do..
Trade show poster I just delivered finals on titled: The UnBooth. My kind of trade show booth.
True Like. Because everything on the internet is true, right?
Pen and ink illustration with Microns.
Pen and ink doodling drawing with Micron inks.
Pen and ink doodles and tangles with Microns
Butterfly doodles and tangles drawing with Microns
Doodle layers and zentangle shapes
Koi ponds pen and ink
Koi drawing colored lily pads
Line Art
Green eye doodle drawing
Green Eyes drawing
Blur Eyes drawing
Golden eyes drawing. Drawing painted in inks ,watercolor, colored pencils and digitally enhanced.
Koi Ponds pen and ink drawing
Koi Pond color drawing