Mixed media, colored pencils and Photoshop. Blue-gray Gnatcatchers (Polioptila caerulea) are a very small songbirds and are most frequently encountered in pinyon-juniper habitat but can be found in any low-elevation areas with an abundance of shrubs. It prey mainly on small insects. Main source: https://www.instagram.com/camilojulianc/
Happy to sharing with us my final plate of Dwarf Jay (Cyanolyca nanus), there are a few illustration for this taxa that is endemic to Mexico. Dwarf jay show patterns of occupancy consistent with habitat specialists. Like raccons, Dwarf Jay have a black mask and is predominantly blue. Technic: hybrid media (graphite, colored pencils and SketchBook Pro).
It's not about waiting around for inspiration to strike, it's about showing up every single day -- and maybe something amazing happens that day, or maybe it doesnt...Regardless, Rise and Grind ♡
I'm not good with lettering, but it is what it is :) Was interesting to know that Peace lily is not so peaceful... If you have pets and children, you need to be careful with this flower!