Chaos and confusion, maybe that is all that we are.
I specialize in cartooning, doodles, drawing, illustration, pen and ink.
Magic word: NOW!
I’ve been making a stamp a day for the next 100 days to keep me creative!
Tricky tricky tricky tricky
Just a jive dog having a good time.
Cats, coffee, and cacti, that's pretty much the only substance in my soul.
This is basically the TLDR; version of every comic I ever write.
I don't know what I would do without drawing as an outlet.
I draw myself too much. But I am making stickers so I can force everyone to look at me all of the time!
Feel free to desert up any of your themes with these vibrant fun cacti!
It's a latte
Pomeranian hipster.
What is a vampires least favorite type of coffee? De-Coffinated!