OKAT is the founder and editor of Doodlers Anonymous and Doodle Addicts. An avid thinker, creator and collaborator, known to concept and carry a ballpoint pen with him at all times.
I'm compiling simple slapdash 5 min. drawings of people + sharing their story.
Book 1 = story behind your name
If u wanna be drawn plz get in touch
10€ a drawing
Dave +351 969 534 520
This piece captures the essence of country life. The detailed lines and shading bring out the rustic charm of the countryside, with a cozy home nestled amidst lush greenery.
Umberto Eco (b. 1932)
Eco says that he is able to be productive during the brief “interstices” in the day. He told The Paris Review’s interviewer: “This morning you rang, but then you had to wait for the elevator, and several seconds elapsed before you showed up at the door. During those seconds, waiting for you, I was thinking of this new piece I’m writing. I can work in the water closet, in the train. While swimming I produce a lot of things, especially in the sea. Less so in the bathtub, but there too.”
- From Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey
“When men stop believing in God, it isn’t that they then believe in nothing: they believe in everything.” ― Umberto Eco
#dailyrituals #inktober #UmbertoEco @masoncurrey