Lifelong illustrator/cartoonist/artist wannabe. Haven't kept up with drawing for many years and now rediscovered how much I was missing. Most new stuff is 100% pen and ink on heavy white cardstock.
I specialize in pen and ink.
Ink and coffee on paper
Vale Caballero Portrait drawing Oz Galeano Instagram: Buy your custom Portrait: Donations:
Based on
Charcoal drawing that has been sitting in my portfolio for a few years :)
This is a section of a very large drawing. The entire drawing was a massive doodle that could be used in a children's book one day.
Pen and ink then Procreate
Rapidograph Pens used to create this image with lots of crosshatching. Drawn from my head.
Ink on paper
This is Kraken Cottage. A little logo I was asked to do. Great fun it was too!
This is the next graphite drawing of the deer series! It's titled "Osteo Sky"
Marker art: a twist between Starry Night and an introspective pup
Pencil sketch
Pencil sketch in journal.
Pencil, pen, and red pen.
A graphite drawing from a larger series of graphite drawings depicting deer. It's titled "Guardian"
Mode meeting of worlds. Past and present. Old and new.
Oil on matt board, lady