Lifelong illustrator/cartoonist/artist wannabe. Haven't kept up with drawing for many years and now rediscovered how much I was missing. Most new stuff is 100% pen and ink on heavy white cardstock.
I specialize in pen and ink.
Advice learned from fairy tales. Do not cheat at chess.
Advice learned from fairy tales. Size matters.
2.3x2.3 inch painting with gouache and ink, done in my mixed media sketchbook.
3D Drawing - The world drawn with a pencil
WIP in the sketchbook. Colored pencil, feeling like Springtime
Charcoal on Bristol mounted on board
This was inspired by driftwood and a bit of a fantasy landscape Idea.
Acrylic on canvas
This is the result of me getting my hands on graphite powder, a fun but rather messy process.
Charcoal on wood
I love doing pen work. Might do an entire children's book in this style. Maybe faded colours.
Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. -Dumbledore
Charcoal on toned paper
This pen and ink drawing is in a poetry book.
3D Drawing - Residents on the sketchbook