Lifelong illustrator/cartoonist/artist wannabe. Haven't kept up with drawing for many years and now rediscovered how much I was missing. Most new stuff is 100% pen and ink on heavy white cardstock.
Truman Capote (1924–1984)
He compulsively added numbers in his head, refusing to dial a telephone number or accept a hotel room if the digits made a sum he considered unlucky.
“It’s endless, the things I can’t and won’t,” he said. “But I derive some curious comfort from obeying these primitive concepts.”
- From Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey
“Life is a moderately good play with a badly written third act.”
― Truman Capote
#dailyrituals #inktober #TrumanCapote @masoncurrey
This is a commissioned doodle illustrating someone’s dreams. This was drawn with a fineliner on A1 paper with no pencilling or pre-planning. As you can tell!