Love Sketch Notes and Whiteboards
Random Doodling
Experimenting with crowd positioning
Doodling of the Day
Playing with Postures
Your ass belongs to me now...
Tried to place some walls, trees, characters and further obstacles on a scene.
Played with orientation and poses of characters
Pigment Liner & Inkscape
Thanks Karl Kopinski
Sketch of a Dungeon Crawler Game from the 90ties
Minimalist Portrait of John Locke (Lost)
Minimalist Character
Free hand scribbling converted to vector graphic and colored with Inkscape.
Tribute to Galaxy Rangers an animated Space Western television series from the 80ies
Portrait of a Kilrathi, an alien species of large feline bipeds. Inspired by Wing Commander a Computer Game from the early 90ies
Friend of Obelix ;-)
Pigment Fineliner black & Stabilo 68. It's 2nd iteration of my favorite robots out of the white robot collection.
The Fairy Tale King
I aint gettin' in no airplane
If I match the pace with everyone else then I'll never be number one