Love Sketch Notes and Whiteboards
很多機車的機車行(日本, 島根) A Honda bike shop in Matsue, Japan
Grow In (日本, 東京) The print house Grow In in Tokyo, Japan
Ethel Marjorie Butterscotch had lived a quiet life in the south side of Cobble-Wobbleton, ever since the defenestration of the eelmongers in '38
前有繡球花的麵包店 (日本, 東京) The old bread shop The bike The hydrangeas
Kat is one of my favourite models. She has the most beautiful faces, full of character. Even when sitting between poses, as featured here, she has the most commanding look.
Sketched using micron pens, felt markers, and watercolor. Based on original work by Mark Fearing:
咖啡店-豆堂(日本京都) The coffee shop Ginka in kyoto, Japan
Breaking Bad Fan Art - Bryan Cranston (Walter White). Caricature sketched with ballpoint pen, coffee (for skin tones), and watercolor wash.
被植物圍繞的理髮店 (日本, 東京) Barber shop Kawano in Toshima, Japan
路口的燒烤店TOKIYA (日本, 鳥取) Yakitori Tokiya in Tottori, Japan
酒吧與居酒屋 (日本, 東京) The snack bar Avenue with the izakaya Kurukuru in Tokyo, Japan
ENEOS 加油站 (日本, 東京) Gas station Eneos in Jinbocho, Japan.
門田たばこ店 / 門田香菸販賣店 (日本, 門司港) The cigarette and lottery shop in Fukuoka, Japan
輪貼先生(日本, 東京)