Il s'agit d'une fresque faite avec des animaux que j'ai rencontré durant mes stages de soigneur animalier Gris du Gabon, Cerf Sika, Renard roux et Raton laveur. Cela m'a pris un mois, j'en suis si fière.
This is a fresco made with animals that I met during my training courses as animal caretaker Gabon Grey, Sika Deer, Red Fox and Raccoon. It take me a month, i'm so proud of it.
Crosshatching was used to build up the shadows. It's probably my favourite drawing technique. Works best with pen and ink. This is the cover image for one of my children's picture books.
the little friends are realy curious. today they visited their friend lina. lina makes awesome lemonades, so they cant wait to try it. :) wish you an amazing friday!!:)