Originally inspired by the occult fiction of the seventies, this began life as a cover concept for a commercial horror anthology. It later transitioned away and became a personal project, granting me more freedom with its content, and a return to one of my favourite themes – the offsetting of monstrosity with beauty.
It always amazes me that, for such an icon of cinema, Boris Karloff’s Mummy only ever appears on screen, in his bandages, for just a few seconds; but maybe that’s part of the whole enigma and its longevity, and why perhaps the idea of imagining him in something new felt so appealing.
From a snap of me sitting in the waiting room. Pencil, Charcoal Pencil, Pastel Pencils and white Prismacolor pencil on 9” x 12” Strathmore Toned Grey sketchbook paper.
Situational awareness is important these days. Pre-pandemic, I sometimes take my doodles to coffee shops during my lunch breaks and relax for half an hour or so by mindlessly scribbling/shading with my Bic pen. People usually leave me alone but this drawing made me realise that not everyone wants to see a man drawing a naked man. A few people took exception to my subjects’ lack of clothing and made their displeasure known by telling me. Suffice to say, I try not to go into coffee shops anymore while working on subject matter that might offend anyone. Bic4 Ballpoint Pen on 9” x 12” Archival paper. Model: Malik_E
Rendition of Michelangelo pre-sculpture sketch work two men fighting 4 ft by 3 ft. Corinthian column added original 3 ft by 2 ft. Done on wall in home with 14 number 2 School pencils over a 2-week..
heelo:) i drew this along time ago, this was the first drawing i coloured in on my ipad. i started this drawing on the train, when i was travelling to france with people i really love. everytime i look at this drawing it makes me so happy, because i think of all the beautiful memories. on my waterbottle, cleo (yes, my waterbottle has a name), is a giraffe wich inspired this drawing. have a wonderful day :)
Bill was feverishly trying to remember how knees worked. Knees made no sense to him.