Art brings peace. Peace brings love. Striving to be an artist since 1967.
I specialize in drawing, marker art, photography, whatevers at hand.
Permanent marker on wall. Just what you are taught not to do. I am a rebel ; )
Marker on wood
Love these beautiful creatures
Colored pencil and marker
Stuck in the 70s : )
More artwork on my mom’s walls ;)
Keepin’ my inner hippy trippy :)
I prefer wood, but had some canvas laying why not!
Marker on bike. An early pandemic project ; )
My rafting helmet. The paint pen got a bit faded and chipped over the summer, but you get the idea ;)
Paint pen on wood
I don’t see much photography on here, but thought I’d put it out there anyway
My mama is in her twilight years. There are no words adequate to thank her for all the love she has given. So I drew...
A doodle reminder for myself : )