Stay tuned and I’ll show how deep this rabbit hole goes…
I specialize in drawing, illustration.
“Always Thinking.”
“Be weary on the who/what influences you.”
Too much of anything is bad but I want more.
“The world can party but some of us have work to do.”
Give anyone a mask and they’ll show you who they really are
I’m sat in my room alone; thinking, reflecting and planning. If you wish to stick around, stay tuned and I’ll show you how deep this rabbit hole goes.
Love is transactional, prove me wrong.
“There’s a side we all have that we try so hard to hide from others.”
Being comfortable alone is a skill that many people lack.
“Some ideas are best not told and forgotten.”
“You are not your job, so why settle?”
I’ve got more than 3 eyes opened.
Pull mine and I’ll pulls yours off
Uncomfortable truths are enough to rip you apart… literally.
Desperate times call for desperate chops.
You hide your flaws while I embrace mine.
Where all the pieces get put together.
“When there’s freedom there’s sacrifice.”
“You excessively buy things you don’t need because you’re empty inside.”
“Be yourself… but which one?”
“Self-improvement is masturbation, self-destruction is what really makes someone change.”