Stay tuned and I’ll show how deep this rabbit hole goes…
I specialize in drawing, illustration.
“The things you own end up owing you.”
I’ve got more than 3 eyes opened.
“Where do we draw the line on what is considered as art?”
“Be weary on the who/what influences you.”
“A2X, the manifestation of traits that would be seen as taboo in the public eye.”
“You are not your job, so why settle?”
“Comfort breeds complacency.”
“Some ideas are best not told and forgotten.”
“Always Thinking.”
What people see in us is different to what we see in ourselves.
Being comfortable alone is a skill that many people lack.
“Not knowing where you are is a place worse than hell.”
“Self destruction is what it takes to make change.”
Sleep is a myth to me.
“You are your own biggest enemy.”
“There’s a side we all have that we try so hard to hide from others.”
“Be yourself… but which one?”
“Self-improvement is masturbation, self-destruction is what really makes someone change.”
“You excessively buy things you don’t need because you’re empty inside.”
“The world can party but some of us have work to do.”
“When there’s freedom there’s sacrifice.”