Join the fastest growing online art community.

No baby pics, no food shots, no memes, or click-bait to distract you.

Just art, art and more art.


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Doodle Addicts is home to more than 30,000 artists, from illustrators and painters to lettering artists and sketchbook doodlers.

We Make Art Part of Your Every Day

Award-winning Drawing Challenges

We are home to some of the best drawing challenges that push artists out of their slump and into concepting and creating. You’ll find every drawing challenge unique and full of surprises. From doodling on coffee cups, to illustrating strangers, explore just how much you can push your creative limits!

For our drawing challenges we team up with some of best art and technology brands around for some spectacular prizes.

Partners Include
  • Coffee Cup Drawing Challenge
    Coffee Cup Challenge
  • Drawn Opposites Challenge
    Drawn Opposites Challenge
  • Design a Wall Clock
    Design a Wall Clock

A profile page that gets personal and acts as your own art gallery

Your profile page becomes your mini-portfolio website. Unlike your Instagram feed or Tumblr page, this URL will be driven by your art only (no distractions of food shots and baby photos). Plus, you will have the option to display a "hire me" button and make yourself available for potential gigs or commissions.

Making drawing a habit,
with our weekly drawing prompts

Weekly drawing prompts will snap you out of that creative slump and put you on the fast track to creating awesome work. Take charge of your creative development and say farewell to the days of staring at a blank sketchbook page.

These anxiety-free art prompts will encourage you to draw for the sheer fun of it. If you’re looking to fall in love with art all over again and have a blast while you’re doing it, our weekly drawing prompts are the solution for you!

Art Prompts
  • "It is only by drawing often, drawing everything, drawing incessantly, that one fine day you discover, to your surprise, that you have rendered something in its true character."
    Camille Pissarro

Awesome Features

Unlimited Uploads

Build your online portfolio on Doodle Addicts without worrying about upload limits

Weekly Drawing Prompts

These exclusive weekly drawing prompts will challenge and inspire you to create more art

“Hire Me” Badge

With a click of a mouse your profile will show you are available for hire or commissions

Sell Your Art

Your art will include a "Buy" link to your existing e-commerce shop, plus appear on our marketplace

Personalized Dashboard

Receive notifications in one place when someone follows you, faves your work, or leaves a comment


Showcase the process of complex art projects by using the Projects feature


Join the community
and get the benefits
of making art
a part of your daily life.

Recent Submissions

New Matchbox painting. Available on my Etsy shop

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Happy Father's Day

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07 ALT-WAVESHAPE. Mixed media. Canvas Board. Scratch board. Paper. The graph of y=sin(x) is like a wave that forever oscillates between -1 and 1, in a shape that repeats itself every 2π units. The structure of this waveshape is better illustrated in 01 of 07 WAVESHAPE.

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featured briefly as a work in progress on youtube:

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Doodle Addicts is a Community First

  • Junkyard Sam
    “I love Doodle Addicts because it's a friendly site that welcomes anyone who loves art. It's a place to call home, respecting all genres whether cheering complex drawings or celebrating doodles. It's a fun social network and you can tell it's run by people who actually care about art.”
    Junkyard Sam
    Artist & Illustrator
  • Naomi Vona
    “Doodle Addicts is not just a fun platform to discover new artists, but is also a place to get your creativity unleashed. The Drawing Challenges section is the perfect place to release your doodle obsession in your own personal way.”
    Naomi Vona
  • Kartika Paramita
    “Doodle Addicts has lots of different drawing challenges every month. I like how they really take care of the artists on the website. My favourite features of the site are the 'hire me' tag and the marketplace, where you can sell your artwork.”
    Kartika Paramita
    Artist & Illustrator

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time.

Do I keep the copyright to my artwork?

Yes, we value artist's intellectual property. As such, artists retain copyright to their artwork.

Can I use Paypal to pay for my subscription?

At the present time Paypal is not supported, but you can subscribe using any of the major credit cards: Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover.

Wait, I still have questions.

If you still have questions, feel free to email us

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