Continuous line design. figure smoking while sitting down.
Continuous line image of a figure sitting next to a circular mirror and their reflection within it.
Continuous line ink drawings of figure siting with legs crossed and leaned on hand.
3D Drawing - Wanderer
Drawing - BOY
Continuous line design. Ink on paper
Continuous line design of a figure posed
This was another tree doodle done with an ink dip pen.
It sure is. A bird. Crazy stuff.
This is my last paintchip card painting (for now) because I only had a set of three cards.
Drawing Prompt Submission
Watercolor and India ink on cold press cotton paper.
Single continuous line using shadow for depth/layers A figure laying on their side with arm raised over eyes blocking the sun rays while soaking it all in.
Continuous line drawing with shadow for layers. Three individuals dancing.
One of my psychedelic pieces inspired off the idea that I can’t fully expect true escape